Privacy Policy

Protecting your personal data is important to us [MitunS SUP & Wassersport-Center, Ferdinand-Wedenig Straße 49a, 9500 Villach, Austria]. Therefore, we exclusively process your data based on legal regulations (DSGVO, TKG 2003). In this privacy policy, we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within our software.

App Permissions and Data Sharing

Using our software (the „SportLock“ app) leads to sharing your personal data (First name, Last name, Phone number, e-mail address, address including locality, postal code, street and country) which we process and permanently store. This is necessary to provide a functioning software.

Moreover, the „SportLock“ app requires access to your location, even if you close the app and have it run in the background. This is necessary to find Bluetooth padlocks in your vicinity and open them. Thus, we ask for the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission on Android and the LocationAlwaysAndWhenInUse permission on iOS.

To communicate with the aforementioned Bluetooth locks we need the Android permissions BLUETOOTH, BLUETOOTH_ADMIN, BLUETOOTH_SCAN and BLUETOOTH_CONNECT.

Additionally we automatically store other shared personal data like IP-addresses or information about the used operating system in logfiles for 6 months. As far as the following does not state differently, we do not share this data.

Contacting us

To process your request and make follow-up questions possible, we store your provided personal data 6 months, if you contact us by e-mail. Without your permission, we do not share this data.

Hosting of the server software

Using our software leads to communicating with our servers which are hosted by „DigitalOcean“ [Digital Ocean LLC, 101 Avenue of Americans 10th Floor New York, NY 10013, United States] and located in Frankfurt. Therefore, your personal data (IP-address, information about the used operating system and other data for connection establishment) is also shared with and eventually processed and stored by DigitalOcean when using our software.


Due to technical reasons, we create accounts for users of our software at „Firebase“ which is a service provided by the vendor „Google“ [Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland]. These accounts include personal data like your phone number and e-mail address, your password, as well as your first and last name. Furthermore, the software’s functionality requires sending requests for authentication to the services provided by Firebase when using it. Therefore, your IP-address, phone number, e-mail address, password and information about your operating system are shared with Firebase.

Further details can be found within the privacy policy of Firebase (


For payment and billing processes within the functionalities of our software, we use services provided by the vendor „Stripe“ [Stripe Inc, 510 Townsend Street San Francisco, CA 94103, United States]. Personal data like your credit card number, address (locality, postal code, street, house number and country), phone number, e-mail address, as well as your first and last name are shared with Stripe where it is stored permanently and potentially processed. Besides that, information about the consumed service is also affected. The storage of this data is necessary, since the functionality of our software and legal regulations require it.

Additionally, when establishing connections with Stripe, personal data like your IP-address and the used operating system are also shared.

Further information can be found within Stripe’s privacy policy (

Google Maps

For embedding interactive maps, we use the service „Google Maps“ provided by the vendor „Google“ [Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland]. Therefore, using our software also leads to sharing your personal data with Google where it may also be processed and stored.

Further information can be found in Google’s privacy policy (

Your rights

Fundamentally in regards of your personal data stored by us, you have the rights of information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and contradiction. If you believe that processing your data violates the data protection law or there were other violations related to your rights regarding data protection, you can contact us [], or file a complaint to the data protection authority.

Change of our privacy policy

In order to correspond to the current state of development and laws, we eventually do have to adapt our privacy policy.

Contacting us

For all kinds of inquiries you can reach us by e-mail [], as well as by phone [0043 (0) 664 / 220 21 02].